Friday, October 11, 2013


Greatest Gift 
I celebrated my 21st Birthday yesterday with my family and my, WITHOUT my Pectus. This is the best Birthday present I could ask for.

I didn't have an ordinary 21st Birthday celebration. I was in a great deal of pain, but I had a wonderful day regardless. I also got to hold Haiden for the first time in a whole month!

No I didn't have any alcoholic beverages. I actually have never consumed alcohol. I had a Professor at a journalism camp tell our class that he had never had alcohol in his life, and he was in his late forties. I want to be able to say that one day. Chris didn't have any alcohol for his birthday either. For me turning 21 is more than being able to drink. To me 21 was another year to be thankful for. I'm thankful I came out of a major surgery with no complications, and I was able to spend my birthday with my family and my son.

Logan and her boyfriend Cameron joined Chris and I for the "festivities". We looked through old family photos and had many laughs, which is still hard for me to do after the surgery. Cameron fits right in don't you think?

We enjoyed a delicious ice cream cake from Marble Slab

I will say, Chris ALWAYS gets me the best presents. He can be so thoughtful. He got me the sweetest card. He got me Flower Bomb perfume and St. Tropez self tanner that I have been wanting for months. He also bought me the newest Nicolas Sparks book, who is my FAVORITE.  

FROM: Haiden :) I got Minnie Mouse nail polish and the CUTEST sparkly slippers! I wish I would have had these in the hospital. 

Since I wasn't able to go out for my birthday, my mom is taking my sister and I to Charleston to go shopping on King Street. 

Sharing my Birthday? 
Yes I share my birthday with Christopher. :) We have had 7 birthdays total together. We started dating when we were 14 and celebrated our first joint birthday at 15 years old. Before we started dating I really liked him. Girls, I know you have all done this so don't laugh at me. I told myself "If we are meant to be, his birthday will be in October." We were messaging back and forth on Myspace, asking the general "pre-dating" questions. So of course I asked when his birthday was and he replied "October 11. When is your's?" I told him mine was on the 10th. He said "Oh. Well I guess I can't ask you out then. My mom says I can't date older women." So maybe we're just meant to be, cheesy right? Not only is Christopher's birthday in October, he was born 14 hours after I was. I was born in SC, and he was born in FL. We give a whole new meaning to the song "When God made you, he must have been thinking about me". So yes we are A MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN, literally. Little did I know we would have our own child together one day. We've been through so much, and some days I think I might hate him. Yet I can't help but love him, no matter what comes our way. I like to compare our relationship to Pink and her husband Carey Hart. They have been through a lot to and she describes their love as "COMPLICATED". Her song 'True Love' perfectly describes mine and Chris' relationship. My family and friends can vouch for this. But I don't want to give up the memories, I just want to make more. 

For our 15th birthday (our first one together) we had my mom take pictures of us. This one below was one. We used one of these pictures for our birthday invitations. 

Our first Celebration: 

Tonight we celebrated at Outback Steakhouse with Haiden and the Rautio family. I said today was Chris' "Bad Luck Birthday". Poor thing got in a wreck and a few minutes before time to leave Haiden grabbed my straightener and burnt his finger. Haiden was not in a good mood afterwards and I felt so bad he had gotten hurt. Luckily the burn wasn't as bad as I thought, so no trip to the ER thank goodness. We had a wonderful time anyways and made the best of it.

 Poor Haiden! This is his "grumpy gills" face. 

Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes! 

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Fantastic Follow-Up :)

My follow-up appointment at MUSC was this morning. I was excited about this appointment and getting to see the Pediatric Surgeon Staff!

Dr. Hebra told me everything looked great. My incisions healed nicely, and I should be able to be more active in the weeks to come. He asked me if I was more confident and if I was happy with the surgery. I replied YES to both questions! Of course I asked him for a photo with me for my blog. I felt honored! He did such a wonderful job with the surgery and he is a great doctor. 

Dr. Hebra told me to practice holding Haiden. He said for me to start out holding him and not to lift him quite yet. He said lifting him would take some time. I also have to lift 5 lb weights everyday. Dr. Hebra wants me to wear myself out by walking or running. He wants me tired by the end of the day! This will relieve tension and will be good for my lungs and heart. I still have to take things slow, but the chances of the bar moving are very slim at this point. 

I wanted to visit the nurses who took care of me during surgery. I ran into Sam, one of the therapy dogs I saw when I got to sit up for the FIRST time in the hospital! He's so calm and sweet! 

After the appointment, I went with my mom and sister to Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. and the Charleston Market. The night before my surgery we went to Bubba Gump and our WHOLE MEAL was paid for. Our WHOLE meal was paid for AGAIN today! So thank you mysterious meal payer! My family and I really appreciate it! :) 

At the Charleston Market I found the cutest ring! My mom got it for me, since tomorrow is my 21st birthday. I told her I had to get it because it looked like a bunch of sideways 'S's for SERA :) Ring buying from the Market is a tradition. My mom bought me a ring when I was 5 years old, then another when I was 10. I wore the second ring up until I was a Senior in High School. She thought it was time for a new one! 

Oh Pectus, I don't miss you...
I found an old picture from 8th grade and it really shows how severe my pectus was. I thought I would share. I didn't realize how terrible my chest looked. I had grown so used to my dent, and most of the time I ignored it. I AM BEYOND GLAD IT'S FINALLY GONE! 

My "dent" is very visible in this photo

Considering Surgery anyone?
I would definitely recommend this surgery for those with Pectus. Especially if it is interfering with your breathing and your daily life. I am very thankful and blessed I was able to have this procedure. Yes it was painful and still is painful, but I am happy with everything and I know my lungs will be happy as well :)